What is Interchange-plus Pricing?

1 min. readlast update: 02.17.2023

It’s the fairest model out there.

Interchange-plus pricing is a transparent and fair pricing model for merchants that allows them to see the exact breakdown of fees they are being charged by their merchant service provider. This pricing model works by adding a flat margin on top of Interchange, which is the fee paid to the card-issuing bank and card associations for each transaction.

By using a two-component format, with a percentage fee and per-transaction fee above Interchange, Interchange-plus pricing allows merchant service providers to charge fees proportionately to the volume of transactions processed by their clients. This means that smaller merchants are not penalized for processing minimal amounts, and larger merchants pay fees that are proportional to their higher volumes.

Giv Local, as a certified Benefit Corporation and B Corp, is committed to transparency and fair pricing for its merchants. By using Interchange-plus pricing, Giv Local ensures that its clients can see exactly how much money is being paid to the card-issuing banks, card associations, and to Giv Local. This transparency helps to build trust with merchants and ensures that they know what to expect when using Giv Local's services.

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