It's a fair and worthwhile thing to ask. Think of credit cards as any other payment method. Every payment method carries a risk by nature. You may get paid via check, but the check may not be clear. Cash can be accepted, but your shop could be burglarized or your safe could be taken. Risk is a component of all payment methods, and credit cards are no exception. The greatest danger to credit card processing is fraud.
When it comes to fraudulent processing through your merchant account, the following is your responsibility:
- For PCI Compliance, you are accountable. Any company, regardless of size, that takes credit card data must comply with a set of rules and guidelines known as PCI compliance. A precise set of security procedures created to safeguard the company and its clients against fraudulent behavior is necessary for it to be compliant.
- Any losses of products or services resulting from fraudulent transactions are your responsibility. You will lose the product and the amount of the sale if you mail something out and then discover that the recipient was a scam. For this reason, it's crucial to confirm that you are shipping to an authorized buyer.
- The expenses related to the sale and the chargeback are your responsibility. The initial sale will include costs as usual. You will also be charged a chargeback fee for every challenged fraudulent sale in addition to these expenses. You will be charged for each if there are retrieval requests (where the issuing bank asks for particular paperwork).
- You are liable for the associated authorization fees if your website is subject to fraudulent credit card testing. If a fraudster tries to target your website, it's crucial to keep your gateway's fraud filters and daily velocity filters set to prevent your account from being charged excessive authorization costs. You can avoid paying thousands of little authorization fees by blocking transactions after a particular value (let's say the 20th transaction in a day). Then, the 21st and any subsequent transactions can be held for your assessment.